Upcoming Events

Housing Liberation Cooperative Education for Renters and Mortgage Holders
Our keynote speaker is Carl Redwood, Jr and he will be highlighting the exclusionary housing market history and discrimination practices against Black people that still remain today.
Yours in solidarity with UJAMAA Collective and the Pittsburgh Black Worker Center!

Ammon Park Improvements
The City of Pittsburgh is holding an event on the redesign of Ammon Park on August 2nd at 6:00PM at Macedonia Church of Pittsburgh to gather community feedback on Ammon Park Improvements.

Housing Stabilization Program
The Housing Stabilization Program is a housing crisis intervention program that provides one-time or short-term financial assistance to households who are facing a temporary, non-recurring housing crisis. City of Pittsburgh renters and homeowners may receive up to $6,000 in housing assistance.

Salem's Hill District Grocery Store Update
The Office of Councilman R. Daniel Lavelle & the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh will host a community meeting to provide an update on the Hill District Salem's Grocery Store. This is an opportunity for the community to receive an update and have the neighborhood's preference heard regarding certain items.

Development Activities Meeting
The Hill District Collaborative, Hill DistrictConsensus Group, Hill District Community Development Corporation, Schenley Heights Collaborative, and Uptown Partners are hosting a Development Activities Meeting in collaboration with the Dept. of City Planning.